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Blog Archive 2021

Family caregiver vaccine priority

These days, WAA and other disability advocacy organizations regularly get asked about whether unpaid in-home caregivers (usually family members) qualify for vaccine priority. Absent any contrary written guidance from DOH, our position is that the Department of Health’s (DOH) written guidance for Vaccine phase 1A/tier 2 currently includes many in-home unpaid and volunteer caregivers and […]

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Loving Autism: Stories of Hope

Caring for someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other developmental disabilities can bring immense joy and can also be challenging. Parents, caregivers, and family members know that it comes with unique highs and lows. We’ve compiled a list of some insightful stories and articles that give perception into what it is like to care for someone with special needs and all of the love and joy that accompany those relationships.

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