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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Come work with us as a Parent Partner!

WAAA is looking for an exceptional person to serve as a Parent Partner to help other parents navigate the many systems for children on the autism spectrum.

Parent Partners are parents who have first-hand experience with multiple child-serving systems (this may include special education, public and private insurance, DDA, SSI, and mental health), and who have exhibited exceptional qualities in their own efforts to navigate 2 or more systems for their children, and understanding of how each system works, an appreciation of what it takes to be successful, and personal qualities that lend themselves to collaboration on various levels.

Parent  Partners are  life‐trained  professionals  who  have  successfully negotiated  multiple  systems  for  their  child  and  family.  These  parents  can  offer  a  wealth  of  knowledge  and  experience  in  two  ways:

1. As  parent  advocates  the  Parent  Partners  will  mentor  parents  currently involved  in  or  accessing systems.  It  is  expected  that  Parent  Partners will  meet  in  person  with  parents  when  appropriate  and serve  as  a supportive  voice  for  the  family.

2. Parent  Partners  will  act  as  the  “parent’s  voice”  as  participants  on various  committees  and  workgroups, as  well  as  within  child  and  family team  meetings  (IEP,  Wraparound,  with  case  managers,  etc.).  Parent Partners   act  as  a  bridge  between  professionals  and  families,  providing a unique  perspective  to  those who work  in  child  serving  roles.

Although  the  two  functions  are  separate  and  distinct,  it  is  expected that  Parent Partners  will  serve in both capacities.

Please see the complete job description.

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