Our students and families depend on the services provided by the frontline staff now more than ever. Yet, Tacoma Public Schools (TPS) is making cuts to paraeducators that amount to an over 50% reduction in one-on-one support time with students. This is putting at risk our students’ access to basic education. To make such cuts in the middle of a pandemic-recession is unconscionable.
For most students with significant disabilities, digital learning in absence of in-person support of a highly trained educator or para-educator is simply not accessible. Neither the governor's proclamations nor OSPI preclude school districts from providing 1:1 in-person support for these students by school personnel in the home or on school property, provided applicable DOH guidelines are followed.
Schools may employ a partial telebased model in which a paraeducator or behavior technician delivers services in-person with the student and the certified teacher provides IEP and educational oversight remotely via synchronous or asynchronous modalities. This model allows continuation of a student’s current IEP programming based on the recommended matrix of services in the IEP. "
If you have a student with significant learning needs, unable to access digital learning without the 1:1 support of a paraeducator, WAAA would like to help. Please contact me via email (CEO@WashingtonAutismAdvocacy.org) at your earliest convenience regarding the services that your son or daughter is not receiving and the adverse impact on them.
Thank you for your consideration.
Arzu Forough