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Everything You Need to Know Before Choosing Dental Sedation for Your Autistic Child

Going to the dentist can cause some amount of anxiety for patients with autism. Sometimes the experience is too overwhelming, and the patient is unwilling to receive dental care. Dental sedation can sometimes be used in these instances. I have been working as a family dentist for 17 years and have used sedation methods in my own office to allow special needs patients to comfortably receive the care they need. It’s a safe method to be considered, but there are some things you should know before choosing this option.

Different Types of Sedation

There are three common types of sedation methods that your dentist may use. Ask which method your dentist prefers and decide if it will be beneficial to your child. Here are the basic types:

  • Nitrous Oxide: Nitrous Oxide is a safe anti-anxiety medicine that is inhaled through a nose mask. It’s generally recommended that this method is only used on children who are older than five. In some cases, a patient will not respond to nitrous oxide and another method may need to be used.
  • Conscious Sedation: This method involves the use of sedatives to produce a calm, sleepy state without losing consciousness. The sedative is given as a pill or liquid one hour prior to the procedure.

In patients with autism, their responses vary widely and there can be serious side effects. One way to find out of conscious sedation will work for your child or is to get a screening to rule out respiratory issues and any medical contradictions.

  • General Anesthesia: General Anesthesia involves the loss of consciousness and is usually the last resort for those who don’t respond to the first two options. It needs to be administered in a hospital or fully equipped healthcare center. It has a number of health risks and often is avoided for regular dental cleanings and procedures.
Dental Sedation
Dental Sedation

Preparing for an Appointment

Once you have scheduled an appointment, it’s important you help prepare your child for what is going to happen. Try to relieve any anxieties they are feeling and remain positive about the experience.

  • The night before: There are some things you will have to do the night before your child’s appointment. Depending on which type of sedation your child is receiving they will most likely not be able to eat past midnight the night before the appointment. Children will be able to drink water, clear juice, or Pedialyte. Also, this is a great time to prepare anything else for the appointment. If your child or has a comforting item such as a toy or blanket, pack a bag with these items for the next day.
  • The day of: There may be some anxieties on the day of the actual appointment. The best thing you can do is stay positive and encouraging. If your child takes regular medications, be sure to let your dentist know ahead of time to make sure these medications won’t interfere with the sedation that’s going to be administered.

If your child struggles with anxiety when it comes to visiting the dentist, dental sedation may be a safe and effective way for them to receive the care they need. Do some of your own research surrounded around dental sedation. This can include asking your dentist any questions you may have. They will be the best resource for information and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. From here, you will be able to decide if dental sedation is the best option.

Dental care is important to one’s overall health and well-being; your dentist will want to make sure they can do their part for your child to receive the treatments they need. Stay positive and encouraging throughout the entire experience and always remind them of the importance of good dental hygiene.


Dr. Greg Grillo (Dentably)

Upcoming WAAA Events

Day Out for Autism Family Fun & Resource Fair will be Sunday April 14th, 2019 at the new Downtown Park in Redmond at 16144 Cleveland Street Redmond, WA 98052.

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