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Home Events - Washington Autism Alliance Online Auction High-Masking Autistic Students: Monthly Virtual Parent Support Sessions


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Sep 09 2024


5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

High-Masking Autistic Students: Monthly Virtual Parent Support Sessions

High-masking autistic students are often misunderstood, overlooked, or ignored in school settings. Starting in September 2024, Washington Autism Alliance (WAA) will host monthly virtual parent support sessions with an educational consultant on the second Monday evening from 5-7pm. These sessions will provide space for community, resource sharing, and educational advocacy tips.

We come from all walks of life and have children that are toddlers, school-aged, and adults. We also have many shared experiences and are here for one another. This group is specifically for parents/guardians of school-aged high-masking students.

About our SPA Facilitator:

Mash (pronounced "Mosh") Makhlyagina is the CEO and founder of Neuro Support Services and a professional education consultant.

From Mash: “As a Ukrainian immigrant, ESOL student, and neurodivergent student, school was clearly not made for my brain as a kid.

I excelled because of the support of my community. After earning my Master’s in Teaching, I became a Special Education teacher in 2012. Within a year, I was coaching other teachers! I earned my ELL certificate shortly after. I have taught and coached both elementary and middle school General Education and Special Education. I’ve worked with amazing high schoolers in an alternative education setting. It has been a journey of love and learning across New York and Washington State.

It’s been my honor to support families in over 500 IEP, 504, and Evaluation meetings across the United States. Today I am proud to be an openly autistic/ADHD special education educator and advocate fighting for what students deserve.”

Session Details:

  • Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
  • Day: 2nd Monday of the month
  • Start Date: September 9th, 2024

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