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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Extended School Year (ESY)

Extended School Year is an IDEA (Individual with Disabilities Education Act) provision that extends services beyond the 180 school days in Washington State and is "available when necessary to provide FAPE" for all children with IEPs.  Many parents are unaware of this provision because the ESY term is not in the Procedural Safeguards, and the services are rarely discussed in the IEP meeting (s).   Parents should start preparing for the next school year this summer by documenting regression or significant loss of skills or behaviors.

Understanding ESY:

  • It is not mandated 12- month service.
  • Must be considered for all children with IEPs.
  • It is not summer school, it is not recovery services, and it is not compensatory education.
  • It is data-driven, but ESY decision (s) could be based on the team's professional judgment.  
  • The data should be collected after holiday breaks, spring break, summer break, and other special circumstances (sickness, snow days, etc.)
  • The IEP team decides whether the student requires services and the amount of those services.
  • The school district must develop criteria for determining the need for extended school services.  Look for your district’s policy/procedures.
  • ESY is at no cost to the parents.
  • It can be anything as long as designed uniquely for your child to provide Free Appropriate Public Education.  The location of services can be at summer camps, summer tutoring, summer recreation activities, year-round tutoring, 1:1 job training/coaching, etc.
  • ESY is an addendum to the IEP.
  • The school must provide transportation.

It is a good idea to schedule a meeting with the IEP team to discuss your child's need for ESY at the beginning of the school year and ask your team at the meeting to provide the proposal or refusal to collect data for ESY services in a "Prior Written Notice."Join WAA’s Blueprints for Special Education online workshop to learn more about developing the appropriate services for your child on September 9th, 2023.  

Register here to save your spot Blueprints To Special Education Online Workshop - Washington Autism Alliance

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