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Irrefutable Facts about Affordable Care Act

There is no denying the Affordable Care Act has significantly impacted health care accessibility. Below, health and disability insurance advocate, attorney Eleanor Hamburger, lists a few irrefutable facts about the ACA.

Really we should start with all the amazing things that the ACA has done for people:

  • Make health coverage in the individual market affordable for millions through the exchange subsidies.
  • Expand Medicaid to include low income non- disabled individuals. Many people in this category obtained health coverage for the very first time. Many work part-time or multiple part-time low-wage jobs.
  • End exclusions of pre-existing conditions. I've seen many children with severe disabilities finally get the comprehensive coverage they need.
  • Apply mental health parity to individual and small group coverage- huge for so many people who need access to mental health care who before the ACA had paltry or no coverage.
  • Ensure access to women's reproductive coverage. Until the ACA so many plans excluded this essential benefit.
  • Require coverage for transgender health services. This too is a critical benefit for many people.
  • The ACA applied anti-discrimination law for the first time to health coverage. The anti discrimination requirements have the potential to end unfair blanket exclusions in health coverage (such as exclusions of hearing aids).
  • Eliminate lifetime limits.
  • Cap out-of-pocket costs in the exchange plans.

I could go on. The loss of the law and any rollback on Medicaid will be devastating.

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