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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Legislative Priorities

Arzu Forough - Washington Autism Alliance, testifying in support of SSB 5506

There are 2 important bills we're supporting this legislative session.

SSB 5506 - Establishing an enhanced behavior support homes model. When passed, the program will provide 24-hour ​behavioral health, staffed by behavior technicians, and overseen by behavior specialists and psychiatric providers. This service model supports IDD persons with significant behavioral challenges to live safely in the community. You can help by telling the members of the committee people with dual diagnosis of intellectual disability and mental disorders deserve appropriate therapies in the community, not in institutions, hospitals or jail. The bill is scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means on Feb 24th at 9:00 AM. If approved, the bill will move to the Senate floor for a full vote.

Diana Stadden - ARC of Washington, testifying in support of SSB 5506
Beth Florea - Concerned parent, testifying in support of SSB 5508

HB 1305 - Improving access to and provision of a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities. SHB 1305 addresses some of the most pressing needs, including an unfair system that puts burden of proof on families if there is a dispute with school districts over provisions of a free appropriate public education in administrative hearings requested by parents. It is critical that IEPs for special education services are timely and appropriate. School districts should have the burden to demonstrate that they provide a free appropriate public education in administrative hearings requested by parents. You can help create a fair process by asking the House Appropriations Committee to pass HB 1305 with Section 6 intact. The bill is scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Appropriations on Feb 24th at 9:00 AM. 

Thank you for standing together with us for positive change.

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