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Legislative Update - WAAA Applaud's Senator Christine Rolfes for her leadership!

Olympia, WA - Several bills involving Special Education were heard last week in the Senate Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Senator Christine Rolfes of the 23rd legislative district - Kitsap County. As a brief background, there is an estimated $400 million shortfall in how special education is funded in Washington state, according to Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, in order to maintain the current system.

Earlier today we learned, Senator Rolfes expects there to be “an additional $400 million for special education next year.” This is consistent with the annual appropriations shortfall that school districts have been testifying to! Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy(WAAA) applauds Senator Rolfes for her leadership!

Tune in this evening to King 5 as Chief Investigative Reporter Susannah Frame reports on another installment of Back of the Class: An investigation into WA's special education failures.

We now look to the House Appropriations Committee to reciprocate this leadership! Please stay tuned, and don't forget to let us know if you're willing to lend us your voice by serve as a legislative district Ambassador!

State’s top budget writers promise ‘significant’ increases in special ed funding:

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