Due to the high volume of calls, we're experiencing a higher-than-usual backlog.

We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, please refer to our Resource Directory, Special Education Legal Library, or Insurance Portal as needed on our website while you're waiting

Gala 2023MORE INFO

Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral therapies' exclusions in the Self-Funded plans

If your child or children are:

  • insured through a large employer that is self-insured (i.e. coverage through a non-governmental, private (for-profit or nonprofit) employer including cities or counties),  and
  • they have been denied medically necessary neurodevelopmental therapies (i.e. Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy) or behavioral therapy (i.e. Applied Behavior Analysis)

we would like to hear from you at your earliest convenience.  Please send us a note with:

  • your employer's name
  • name of the  insurance company that manages your benefits
  • the type of treatment that is prescribed, but denied or unreasonably capped
  • the best contact information for you

to info@WashingtonAutismAdvocacy.org .   Please forward this note to any parent whose children may be in a similar situation.


Thank you for your consideration.

Arzu Forough

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