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Opportunity #1 for Public Comment Re: Schools Reopening - due by July 1 at 10:00

This draft guidance document from OSPI Special Education division titled: Questions and Answers: Provision of Services to Students with Disabilities During COVID-19 in Summer and Fall 2020 is an additional opportunity for stakeholders to review and provide input as to suggested edits, changes or additions to OSPI, prior to the document being finalized for immediate use by districts and families this summer and fall.  

This input process is open through Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 10:00 am.  Please submit your comments on the pdf, or as detailed notes including pg. numbers, if possible, through email to speced@k12.wa.us with subject line: Opportunity #1 public comment

The document will be finalized and released officially by July 6, 2020.

Thank you for your consideration and time.

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