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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Paraeducator bill needs your help - Calls needed

Paraeducators provide over 62 percent of instructional time to Washington’s opportunity gap students, including students with disabilities. However, paraeducators receive minimal training (0.05 percent of statewide instructional professional development hours) and there are no professional qualifications or standards.  (ParaeducatorOnePage Fact Sheet). PLEASE give us 5 minutes on Monday to support these professionals who spend considerable time assisting students with special needs. Phone calls and emails are needed to the following representatives listed below. If you live in one of the districts listed please call your own district’s representative.

If you’re not sure what to say try:

My name is _______ and I am your constituent. SB 5070 Concerning paraeducators is important to me and my family. Paraeducators deliver over 60% of all instruction to students in the opportunity gap, including students with disabilities. They are an essential link between students and successful learning. Paraeducators want and deserve professional development, standards, and a more accessible path to teacher certification. I believe that students with autism  should be taught by trained and highly qualified educators, and that’s why I urge your support of SB 5070. I appreciate your ongoing support of my family, and hope I can count on you  and move the bill out of the committee quickly. Thank you!

Please be polite, ask the legislative aide to let you know after your representative has agreed to support SB 5070. If the person on the phone asks questions you don’t have an answer to, please refer them to Doug Nelson, 206.919.8581

Thank you for standing together with us for change.

Committee Members

Representative(dist. #) Email Phone
Santos, Sharon Tomiko (37)
SharonTomiko.Santos@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7944
Dolan, Laurie (22)
Vice Chair
Laurie.Dolan@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7940
Stonier, Monica Jurado (49)
Vice Chair
Monica.Stonier@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7872
Harris, Paul (17)
Ranking Minority Member
Paul.Harris@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7976
Muri, Dick (28)
Asst Ranking Minority Member
Dick.Muri@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7890
Bergquist, Steve (11) Steve.Bergquist@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7862
Caldier, Michelle (26) Michelle.Caldier@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7802
Hargrove, Mark (47) Mark.Hargrove@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7918
Johnson, Norm (14) Norm.Johnson@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7810
Kilduff, Christine (28) Christine.Kilduff@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7958
Lovick, John (44) John.Lovick@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7804
McCaslin, Bob (4) Bob.McCaslin@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7820
Ortiz-Self, Lillian (21) Lillian.Ortiz-Self@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7972
Senn, Tana (41) Tana.Senn@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7894
Slatter, Vandana (48) Vandana.Slatter@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7936
Springer, Larry (45) Larry.Springer@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7822
Steele, Mike (12) mike.steele@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7832
Stokesbary, Drew (31) Drew.Stokesbary@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7846
Volz, Mike (6) Mike.Volz@leg.wa.gov (360) 786-7922
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