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Protect Medicaid - Give 5 minutes

The Graham-Cassidy bill is gaining momentum in the Senate. This effort to repeal insurance protections includes cuts to Medicaid that will be devastating to people with disabilities. Avalere study shows impact of the bill will result in 15% cut in funding for people with disabilities and 31% cut for children.

It's essential that individuals, family members, friends, and advocates make their voices heard NOW.

Please take a few minutes today to call your U.S. Representative here particularly if it’s one of these Representatives:

Personal Story

Personal stories are the most effective form of advocacy. Talk about why is Medicaid important to you.

  • If you or a family member are on Medicaid (including a waiver), what are the most important services to you? What difference has that made in yours and/or your family member’s lives?
    • Access to critical healthcare or therapies
    • Ability to receive in-home supports, residential supports or live independently
    • Ability to work or go to a day program (so your family can work)
  • What was your and/or your family member’s lives like before receiving Medicaid services?
  • Are you or a family member on a waitlist for Medicaid services? How would getting services make a difference in your lives?

Or consider using this easy script.

Talking Points

  1. The latest healthcare bill being considered by the Senate, the Graham-Cassidy proposal, would restructure Medicaid through per capita caps and would lead to devastating cuts in Medicaid.
  2. The Graham-Cassidy bill would reduce federal funding to states resulting in a 15% decrease of Medicaid spending for people with disabilities and a 31% decrease of Medicaid spending for children.
  3. 11 million people with disabilities rely on Medicaid for critical services that help them live and participate in their community.
    • Ex: nursing and personal care services, specialized therapies, intensive behavioral health services, special education services, employment supports, and other needed services that are unavailable through private insurance.
  4. Proposed cuts to Medicaid is already forcing WA to reduce services, cut optional services, restrict eligibility, and increase waiting lists.
  5. People with disabilities will be disproportionally harmed by Medicaid cuts.  Care for people with disabilities makes up a significant part of state Medicaid budgets due to their long term care needs.
  6. The home and community based services (HCBS) on which people with disabilities rely to live and participate in their communities are especially at risk because they are optional and could be completely eliminated.
  7. The Graham-Cassidy bill ends an important program for home and community based services (called Community First Choice) while at the same time requiring states to maintain funding for institutions.
  8. The bill also would allow states to waive the ACA’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions (including people with disabilities) and the requirement for plans to cover “essential health benefits” that help people with disabilities, like behavioral health and neurodevelopment services.
  9. Please oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill or any bill that caps or cuts Medicaid, cuts healthcare for people with disabilities, and does not protect people with pre-existing conditions.
  10. Instead work in a bi-partisan fashion to protect and improve access to healthcare
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