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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Public School Daily Recess For Mental And Physical Health

Ensuring elementary students receive sufficient daily recess for mental and physical health was bring forsaken in many schools across Washington State. SB 5257 requires public schools to provide daily recess for all elementary students with a minimum of 30 minutes within the school day as of the beginning of the current (2024-25) school year. 

Public schools may provide additional recess before or after school, but this time does not count toward the requirements. Recess must be supervised and student directed and must aim to be safe, inclusive, and high quality. It may include organized games, but schools should avoid the use of computers, tablets, or phones. Recess must be held outside whenever possible. If held indoors, schools are encouraged to provide it in a space that promotes physical activity. Daily recess may not be used to meet the physical education requirements. Additional notes below. 

Register to attend Blueprints to Special Education on October 12th  for an in-depth explanation on how to use the building blocks of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to develop appropriate services for your child or student. Join special education attorneys to better understand your child's special education program and your rights. This training workshop will be held via Zoom webinar.



Intent—2023 c 272: "(1) The legislature recognizes that recess is an essential part of the day for elementary school students. Young students learn through play, and recess supports the mental, physical, and emotional health of students and positively impacts their learning and behavior. Given the state's youth mental health and physical inactivity crisis, as well as learning loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic, recess is vital to support student well-being and academic success.

(2) The legislature also acknowledges that the amount of time spent on recess varies throughout the state; therefore, youth do not have equitable access to opportunities for physical activity, self-directed play, and time outdoors. The legislature intends to set a minimum requirement for daily recess to ensure that all students have equal access to recess, but school districts are encouraged to exceed this requirement.

(3) Further, the legislature intends to clarify that recess should not be withheld as a disciplinary or punitive action during the school day, and that recess should not be withheld to compel students to complete academic work. The legislature believes that these clarifications and other policies will help make elementary school recess safe, inclusive, and high quality for all students." [ 2023 c 272 s 1.]

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