Due to the high volume of calls, we're experiencing a higher-than-usual backlog.

We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, please refer to our Resource Directory, Special Education Legal Library, or Insurance Portal as needed on our website while you're waiting

Gala 2023MORE INFO

Safety in numbers, connect your networks towards greater stability

As drivers become more accustomed to seeing walkers and cyclists on the road, they become more attentive and cautious overall. Instead of “get out of the way” campaigns, we now see messages like “THINK, Slow Down!” or “Kill your Speed, Not a Child”, that place the onus on drivers to increase their awareness of walkers and cyclists.

Research suggest doubling the number of cyclists on the road tends to bring about a 1/3 drop in the per-cyclist frequency of a crash with a motor vehicle. By the same token, tripling the rate of cycling cuts the crash rate in half.


With that in mind...think of crashes as Health Insurance Benefits' Denials!


Families, physicians and therapists have "CRASHED"so often in trying to get services covered for a patient with autism that they now don't even bother to try! Clinical amelioration of adverse neurological, sensory or physical impact of a brain disorder is no different than clinical amelioration of adverse impact diabetes or Leukemia.


Please don't get out of the road!  Please don't get discouraged! Connect your networks with ours, double & triple our effective advocacy towards improved access to effective medical and educational services for our loved ones with ASD's.


Here's how can you help?

  1. Call or write to everyone YOU know in your community and ask them to join our grassroots advocacy coalition.  Let them know connected & tripled in size, we can better avoid "crashes" with private insurance, Medicaid and schools!
  2. Join us on Facebook, meet families, professionals and self-advocates online, share resources, exchange ideas, or ask for help!
  3. Scroll through our online resources for families, download and share with others!


There's safety in numbers!  Let's connect our networks towards greater stability for our loved ones' future here in Washington state.



Arzu Forough






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