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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Sample Talking Points - Medicaid Cuts

Call: the main Capitol line at: (202) 224-3121 (You’ll be directed to an operator at the Capitol switchboard who can direct you to your representative.

Want Ideas of What to Say

Hello, my name is [Name]. I’m a resident of [Town, State] and [I/my child/sister/friend/co-worker etc] is a person with a disability who relies on Medicaid for health care and community support.

The Senate is considering a bill, the Graham-Cassidy bill, that proposes devastating cuts to Medicaid and removes protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

11 million people with disabilities rely on Medicaid for critical services that help them live and participate in their community.

I am asking [Representative’s Name]. to oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill, or any other bill that cuts or caps Medicaid.

Thank you for taking my call!

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address and zip code to ensure your call is tallied]

Personal stories are the most effective form of advocacy. Talk about why is Medicaid important to you.

  • If you or a family member are on Medicaid (including a waiver), what are the most important services to you? What difference has that made in yours and/or your family member’s lives?
    • Access to critical healthcare or therapies
    • Ability to receive in-home supports, residential supports or live independently
    • Ability to work or go to a day program (so your family can work)
  • What was your and/or your family member’s lives like before receiving Medicaid services?
  • Are you or a family member on a waitlist for Medicaid services? How would getting services make a difference in your lives?
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