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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Shayan's Law-Autism Insurance Parity-Hearing update

Many thanks to all the families and advocates who packed the hearing room yesterday, dressed in red and carrying pictures of their children or accompanied with their children.

Our hearing was well orchastrated.   Lorri Unumb(Autism Speaks Senior Policy Advisor), Dr's Bryan King and Gary Stobbe (Seattle Children's Hospital Autism Center), Kathy George (Harrison, Benis & Spence attorney), Arzu Forough (Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy) and Chanel Krueger (highly accomplished, articulate young lady with autism) were among those who provided testimony is support of Shayan's Law, Autism Insurance Parity (AIP). (The hearing can be viewed through TVW archives by clicking here).

The fiscal calculations on the state of WA to cover the public employee's dependents  was grossly inflated ($141,773,139), so much so that several committee members requested a revised fiscal data from the office of Financial Management (OFM).

The Senate committee members were clearly in favor of Shayan's Law.  Our next steps is two fold,  provide true cost impact  data from states that have had AIP for over a decade AND to continue to build the momentum of support.

Here's How YOU Can Help:

1.Call and write all members of the committee (click on text for contact info.) and let them know Washington state can't afford to bear the cost of autism alone, let them know how much your family (and/or local school district) ia spending on your loved one with autism(on specialized developmental, behavioral and education programs).

2. Multiply your efforts, forward this note to teachers, therapists, friends, any and all supporters and ask them to please get actively involved.

3.Volunteer with us (click here to view volunteering opportunities)

Thank you for your consideration.

Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy Coalition

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