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Social Group for Dungeons and Dragons Fans

There's a lot of interest for social groups. Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Aidan Vickers of Engage ABA is  starting to run a small D&D group for middle school kids.  More info below.

"I am starting to run a small D&D group for middle school kids. This is a role playing game, where a dungeon master (me) creates a storyline that the characters follow, rolling dice to decide battles and outcomes of actions. One of the major aims is for kids to get together and socialize. It will be in Bellevue on a Wednesday night from 7 pm - 8.30 pm for middle school kids (once it grows it would be natural to open it up to have a high school group & I will take a interest list).

Kids who might be interested:

Interested in the world of fantasy or history,
Interested in board games,
Use a lot of imaginative play naturally in their everyday lives,
Looking for a likeminded group of friends.
I would want to meet with any parents and meet their kid to make sure they are the right fit at this moment.

Contact: aidan@engageaba.com for more information.


Aidan Vickers, M.Ed., BCBA.
Engage ABA

P.s. I might do a coding one for kids too at some point if there is interest."

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