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Gala 2023MORE INFO

SSB 5506 passed by the Senate Human Services Committee

We are grateful to the Senators who voted to pass SSB 5506 out of the Senate Human Services Committee.

As a brief background, Enhanced Behavior Support Homes Program is established to provide enhanced behavioral services and support to individuals in a community setting rather than in an institution. DSHS
working with DDA must create standards for licensure of enhanced behavior support
homes. The DSHS secretary must license enhanced behavior support homes that meet the
following minimum standards:
• require 24-hour supervision of residents;
• provide an appropriate response to the acuity of the residents; establish resident rights substantially similar to the rights set forth in 71A.26.030 RCW; and
•establish program standards, design requirements, staffing structure, and staff qualifications.

Please thank these Senators and let them know how much this bill means to your family and loved ones. Please also remind them there are a couple of components that are needed to ensure the recipients will truly be able to access evidence based behavioral intervention and day habilitation programming.

Please remind the committee that the minimum training requirement in the amendment is already defined as a component of evidence based, medically necessary treatment of significant challenging behaviors and is called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). This health technology is clearly defined in WACs > Title 182 > Chapter 182-531A > Section 182-531A-0800. The professionals are credentialed (licensed and certified tiers) through the Washington State Department of Health(DOH).

In closing, this survey provides you with the opportunity to stay informed and participate in the process of innovative change.

Thank you for standing with us for change!

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