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Take 12 Seconds on 10/11/12 to get our 1 in 88 in the Debate

October 11, 2012 -TAKE ACTION TODAY!


Dear Autism Advocate,

We need your help to make the autism community, and all of our issues, a squeaky wheel in this election season. For the next debate, we don't want just a mention of autism.


We want the candidates to discuss a plan for leadership on increased funding for dedicated autism research, appropriate health insurance coverage and jobs & supports for our adults with autism for all Americans with autism. We want our children to be safe in their schools.


Here is How YOU Can Help:


1) SEND AN EMAIL.  Each issue receives a tally by each of the campaigns.



You can send an email to the Obama Campaign here and to the Romney Campaign here by filling out their web-forms.


Short and sweet messages are fine or you can personalize them with a paragraph or two as to why this is important to you.


Example Email to cut and paste into the forms:

Our 1 in 88 can't wait!  Please put autism issues in the next debate and tell us how YOU will provide leadership and a plan for our community and address autism as the urgent public health crisis it has become.




TWITTER – the #1 form of social media used by candidates & the press:


If you don't have a Twitter account, create one at www.twitter.com.


TWEET this:


@MittRomney @BarackObama Our #1 in 88 with #autism can't wait. Put our issues in the next #debate  (www.washigtonautismadvocacy) - PLS RT




You can visit the Obama Campaign Facebook page here and the Romney Campaign Facebook page here.

NOTE: You cannot post directly to their pages so please post this wherever you can on their Facebook page, even under a seemingly unrelated topic. The goal is for them to see thousands of posts from our community.

POST This:

(President Obama/Governor Romney) - Our 1 in 88 can't wait for leadership and a plan surrounding all the issues the autism community faces today.  Please discuss autism in the next debate and let us know what you will do to help people living with autism today.


3) ASK YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY TO HELP. Has anyone ever said, "I wish there was something we could do to help you?" Ask them to take 12 seconds to let the candidates know autism is important to them. Get 5 friends/family members involved today.


We understand that there are other issues facing our country such as jobs, the economy, national security & the environment, but there is no reason that autism, which affects a minimum of 1 in 88 people across the United States, should not be a topic of national discussion.


Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy does not endorse any candidate seeking political office. Please bear in mind that we want all of those seeking office this fall to understand the issues of the autism community. So whether they are running for President, Congress, the United States Senate, the state legislature, Governor or local school board, you can use these tools to infuse autism into your local, state and certainly the national discussion.


HAPPY EMAILING, TWEETING & FACEBOOKING! Let's see how many you can activate!



Arzu Forough

Chief Executive Officer

Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy



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