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Volunteer Profile - Mohamed Amine Dridi

For the past month, WAAA has been privileged to host an intern from Tunisia, Mr. Mohamed Amine Dridi. Mr. Dridi came to WAAA through the Professional Fellows Program, a program provided by the World Affairs Council and Hands Across the Nile. The aim of the program is to allow special educators from Egypt and Tunisia the opportunity to build their knowledge in the field of disability issues.

Mr. Dridi received his Certificate of Multi-Specialties Educator in 2008 and has been working in special education since that time, providing educational rehabilitation to children with autism and Down Syndrome. His goal for the future is to start a new association for people with serious mental disabilities, as currently in Tunisia there is a lack of specialized organizations serving their needs.

In his internship with WAAA, he has been studying the ways in which WAAA maintains its network of resources and uses them to assist families of children with autism. He has been particularly impressed by the way the staff at WAAA, many of whom have children on the autism spectrum, use their own personal experiences to empathize with other parents and determine the best ways in which to assist families with their particular needs.

Mr. Dridi describes the children he’s worked with as being, “like angels… Very sincere,” and finds it quite rewarding to see how much children can improve when they receive treatment. He continues, “Disability is the responsibility of everyone, not just special educators. It’s a question of love.”

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