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Volunteer Profile - Thomas Sigall

Thomas Sigall has been volunteering with WAAA since early May of this year. He was put in touch with the organization through his mother Beth, who is a WAAA member, and his older brother Anthony, who has autism. Since that time, he has been giving his time weekly doing data entry, filing, and helping out with anything else that needs to be done around the office.

“I got involved with WAAA because I wanted to help other autism families and do work in the community,” Thomas explains. “Working there has been a terrific experience; they always have tons of work for me to do, but I have a lot of flexibility as well.”

“He’s been a huge help putting together our BCBA database,” says WAAA staff member Amy Huntley. “He’s always willing to do anything we throw at him and is remarkably quick at picking up on things and working diligently.”

Thomas is 14 years old and will be a freshman at Redmond High School. He’s also a huge Sounders fan.

“The best part of working for WAAA has been knowing that I get to help a lot of people in a good organization by doing simple things and just giving a few hours of my time,” he says. WAAA has been very grateful for his help over the summer and everyone on the staff has enjoyed getting to know him as well.

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