Representatives from Washington Department of Health (DOH) and the Healthcare Authority were on hand to answer questions. Based upon comments from Behavior Anaylsts participating, very few existing BCBA's qualify for the licensure required to practice independently (option one).
On Thursday, June 14, 2012 the Washington State Health Care Authority unveiled it's proposed it's delivery model for Applied Behavior Analysis for benefits under the Public Empoloyees Benefits Board and Medicaid.
WHCA ABA PEBB & Medicaid
Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy was the only disability organization represented for unveiling of a plan that applies to over 9000 children in Washington diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
Representatives from Washington Department of Health (DOH) and the Healthcare Authority were on hand to answer questions. Based upon comments from Behavior Anaylsts participating, very few existing BCBA's qualify for the licensure required to practice independently (option one).
"Nearly 75% of of BCBA's in Washington have a Master's Degree in Special Education, making it very difficult to obtain the required DOH Mental Health license without significant investment in time, money and additional education" said Arzu Forough, Chief Executive Officer, Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy.
The agency model (option two) makes ABA much more accessible. None of current agencies structured according to DOH rules statewide currently employ a licensed psychologist or mental health counselor on staff with the minimum ABA experience outlined in the WHCA proposal, although a non-ABA, licensed community mental health agency was represented and eager to sign up with Medicaid and PEBB!
Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy is committed to ensure only agencies with bonafide ABA experience and expertise will be contracted to work with this vulnerable and underserved population. In addition we will monitor statewide in-network ABA providers for both PEBB and Medicaid eligible children to ensure timely access to medically necessary treatments.
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