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WAA 2023 Graduate Recognition

Washington Autism Alliance would like to give a huge shout out to the 2023 graduates in our community.  We are so proud of all of the efforts and dedication you have put into getting to this point.  We recently reached out to the community asking families to submit graduates so we could honor them.  We have three amazing graduates we’d like to share with you.  They are bright, kind and loved by their family & community  Congratulations Nick, Hannah, Nicholas and all of the other 2023 graduates who have worked incredibly hard to get to this moment and deserve this recognition!

Nick Pritchard

Nick Pritchard

Meet Nick Pritchard.  Nick is a senior this year and will graduate next month.  His favorite things about school are the supportive and patient people who helped him learn in the best way that works for him.  Also learning about new technology (which he absolutely enjoys) and being able to apply it in a safe learning environment where he can practice and improve on a daily basis, while getting the help he needs to be successful.  

Nick is a kind, thoughtful young adult, son and brother who is eager to please and is focused on being the best student, person, citizen he can be.  He is focused on overcoming the challenges that lie in his way.  His mom Michelle says “There is no doubt that he will achieve anything he desires.  Great things await him!  As his parents, we love him dearly no matter what he will do in his independent life ahead of him!”

Nick Pritchard
Nick Pritchard

Hannah Lockhart

Meet Hannah Lockhart.  Every day was Hannah’s favorite thing about school.  She smiles first thing in the morning and then tells her mom all about her day when she gets home.  She brings home crafts she makes at school for her mom, along with food she makes in cooking class.  She will be earning her Honor Cord.  Her mom says she works hard in school and is very well liked by her classmates.

Hannah loves camping, chickens, cats, crafts and God.  She loves to talk and hold long conversations with you, hang out with you and learn all about you.  Math may not have been her strongest subject,but she has an impeccable sense of direction.  Just ask her for directions to go somewhere she can tell you the exit, how to get there and give you all of the details about the trip.  Her mom shared she and Hannah have a very strong bond.  When no one asked Hannah to prom, her mom stepped in and decided to chaperone the prom so she wouldn’t feel alone.


Meet Omari.  Omari is dedicated, persistent, and never gives up!  When he sets a goal, he will put his all into it.  He enjoys participating in track.  His mom says "Watching my amazing son drives me to work harder at achieving my goals".

Nick Pritchard
Nick Pritchard

Nicholas Henson

Meet Nicholas Henson.  Nicholas will go through the graduation ceremony with his peers in June and then continue on to his school’s Community Transition program.  

Nicholas’ teacher sent a note to his parents summing up Nicholas and his amazing qualities.  Here are some things she shared about him::

Nicholas is….

Determined/Unsinkable- I have never met anyone more determined. When he puts his mind to something he sticks with it.

Authentic/Genuine- He never tries to be someone he is not. He is consistently his own wonderful self.

Curious/Inquisitive- He’s always wanting to know more. If something new is introduced his eyes light up and he locks in on it. When I introduced him to weaving he didn’t want to stop. He got the hang of it so quickly and wanted to do more.

Sociable/Friendly- Nick loves people. He gets so excited whenever he sees someone he knows. He wants to be around them. When we walk down the hall he wants to say hi to everyone. It puts a smile on so many people’s faces and they always say hi back.

Resourceful- He always figures out a way to do something using what is around him. He’s always thinking outside of the box.

Loyal/Faithful- he is incredibly loyal to those that he knows.

Empathetic- I chose this one because I am always so impressed with how perceptive he is about other people’s (students and staff) feelings. Sometimes I really think he can feel what others are feeling which seems so counterintuitive to Autism. There have been so many times where someone is slightly sad or a little upset and he will completely change the way he interacts with them. 

Humble- There is no one more humble.

Communicative- He always has something to say about what’s going on around him. He works harder than anyone I know to try to communicate his needs and wants.

No Nonsense-Nothing gets past this guy ?

“Your son is valued and loved so much by the individuals that get the chance to know him.”

Haley Noblitt

Meet Haley Noblitt and her service dog Coup.  Haley has worked tremendously hard navigating obstacles to get to this point, but she made it!  She will be walking with her class in June.

Nick Pritchard
Haley Noblitt
Haley Noblitt
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