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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Useful Guidance from OSPI on Special Education

Districts cannot use bargaining agreements to deny placements and prevent access to general education!


The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) released a bulletin today addressing the importance of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and how to make it the most impactful for each student. They emphasize the importance of taking into account each student’s unique needs. In order to do this, they say that setting a district-wide limit on students’ participation in a general education classroom may be a denial of their right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE), outlined in both the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as well as Washington state law. Students with an IEP must also have the same opportunities to receive the appropriate level of staffing from general educators, with the support of special; educators if deemed necessary by their IEP.

“OSPI encourages ongoing conversations between school district directors, school district and school leaders, educators, educational staff associates (ESAs), and families, to identify and provide additional methods to support educators in meeting the needs of each and every student in their classroom and school.”

At WAAA we are so thrilled to see progress being made and the individual needs of every student being taken into account!

Click here to read the full bulletin! We encourage you to print this out and take along to IEP meetings.

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