We are so excited to welcome Chrishendra Tucker, our new staff attorney!!!
I am a Seattle lite. My former training is from the University of Washington and Seattle University School of Law. I have both Criminal and Civil Law experience trying cases as a Deputy Prosecutor, Public Defender, Family Law Attorney, and a Legal Aid Attorney.
I have fought for individuals with Disabilities to obtain and maintain benefits.
My goal as a staff attorney with WAAA is to fight for health care benefits for every client that has been denied coverage. My hope is that no one on the Autism Spectrum will suffer because they can't afford necessary treatment.

Chrishendra Tucker has both Criminal and Civil Law experience.
I bring over twenty years of litigating experience for disadvantaged individuals, and my desire is too right wrongs through the legal process.
Like so many other families, I too have family members on the Autism Spectrum, and I suspect some of my ancestors had ASD, but there were no resources available to understand or help them. My desire is that through my legal advocacy, awareness and resources open up to all families dealing with this disorder.
As a woman of color, ASD is not discussed much in our community, and there seems to be a stigma around such issues to the point that families rather avoid confirming an ASD diagnosis and seeking treatment. They are afraid of being labeled. I want to turn this fear around, so there is no stigma and Family's embrace their loved one's ASD diagnosis and feel empowered to fight for their rights to equal Health Care!