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Water Safety- Tips for Autistic Parents

As temperatures warm up, people start to get out and about and many start to flock towards bodies of water to stay cool.  While water can be quite relaxing and therapeutic for autistic children, it can also pose a real danger.  Like many young children, autistic children are often attracted to water and don’t understand the risks water can pose.  The impulsivity takes over and the idea of going into the water is too tempting.  Also, some autistic children have a tendency to elope.  They may start off in a park near a lake and be attracted to the lake and wander off without informing an adult.  According to the Red Cross, autistic children are 160 times more likely to experience non-fatal and fatal drownings than their peers.

As we head into summer there are things we as parents can do to try and prevent our autistic children from water related accidents.   Here’s a water safety article with some great advice:

Water Safety - The Autism Community in Action (tacanow.org)

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