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Gala 2023MORE INFO

4th Annual Swim for Autism

Elston Cloy, the founder of E-Train Performance & Fitness located in Seattle, will be putting his athletic skills to the test. For the fourth year in a row, he will be swimming, biking, kayaking, and running to raise funds for Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy (WAAA).


On Saturday, August 17th, Elston will begin with swimming across Lake Washington starting at Houghton Beach Park bright and early at 5:30 am and make his way through the rapids to Magnuson Park. After swimming, he will then bike from Magnuson Park to Discovery Lighthouse. After swimming and biking, he will kayak from Discovery Lighthouse across the Puget Sound. His journey will continue with an 18 mile run throughout Seattle, beginning at Alki Beach and ending back at Houghton Beach Park.

4th ANnual Swim for Autism

Elston (left)

At the end of his journey when he arrives back to Houghton Beach Park, everyone is invited to come together for a potluck style BBQ at 6:30 pm. This year, Elston's goal is to raise $20,000! He has continued this annual swim as there are many children and adults affected by autism every day and they deserve the quality help and attention in order to thrive. He believes we should all come together as a community to support one another of all ages and abilities, which is why his fourth year is his largest goal yet.

If you would like to learn more about how to support Elston’s journey, please visit his fundraising page at:




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