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WAAA provided 55 scholarships to Special Education training workshop



WAAA is proud to have provided 55 scholarships to IDEA-Blueprints to Special Education  held on September 18th in Federal Way.  



Attorneys Katherine George and Michael Wiggins provided us with invaluable information on navigating the educational rights of students with ASD's.

Most in attendance provide mental health counseling to low-income students, and their families as well as homeless youth.  WAAA is proud to be a part of professional training for large groups of professionals who in turn serve hundreds of students with exceptional needs in public schools, help navigate their education programs and help WAAA strengthen communities through teaching advocacy.

IMG_2729We are grateful to Katherine George and Michael Wiggins for their generosity and support of students, families and professionals in our community who wouldn't ordinarily be able to access their level of expertise in laws governing special education in Washington schools.

Katherine George, Esq. – Ms. George is an attorney with Harrison, Bennis & Spence. She has been engaged in the practice of law in Washington for over 6 years. She represents families and students to enforce their educational rights. Her practice emphasizes the rights of students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and related laws.

Michael Wiggins, Esq. – Mr. Wiggins has over a decade of experience in special needs estate planning, asset planning and guardianship and special education. Having two sons with special needs, Michael knows very well the challenges and rewards that having a special needs child can bring.

Resources and references from the special education training are available at www.washingtonautismadvocacy.org/family

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