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WAAA Commends Insurance Commissioner for Requiring Compensation for Mental Health Services

REDMOND—Insurance Commissioner Mike Kriedler announced that all insurance companies in the state that had denied mental health coverage under blanket exclusions since 2006 would be required to reevaluate these claims. Commissioner Krielder set a March 1, 2015 deadline for all insurers to notify affected policyholders of their rights under O.S.T. v. Regence BlueShield in which the Washington Supreme Court found that such exclusions violated the state’s Mental Health Parity Act.

Arzu Forough, Chief Executive Officer of the Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy, issued the following statement:

“Insurance Commissioner Kriedler’s action promises to offer real relief to thousands of families that were unfairly saddled with massive bills for medically necessary care. It’s impossible to overestimate the impact of this decision for families that have suffered from insurance companies’ decision to deny coverage for critical autism treatments.

“Unfortunately, we’ll never know how many children didn’t receive crucial care as a result of insurers’ illegal policies. While we’re happy that the Office of Insurance Commissioner is working so hard to right these wrongs, this should serve as a reminder of the profound costs associated with these denials. The Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy will continue working to hold insurance companies accountable to the law.”


Founded in 2007, Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy (WAAA) exists to remove barriers to timely access to evidence based treatment, effective education programs, sustainable community based services and supports for children and adults statewide. WAAA works to:
· Remove barriers to insurance coverage of effective autism treatment in the state of Washington
· Promote Clinical Practice Guidelines for evidence based treatment of autism
· Build an adequate network of healthcare providers for those in need regardless of funding source
· Provide support, guidance, and resources to families and professionals to make effective autism treatment and socially significant habilitative programs attainable statewide

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