Due to the high volume of calls, we're experiencing a higher-than-usual backlog.

We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, please refer to our Resource Directory, Special Education Legal Library, or Insurance Portal as needed on our website while you're waiting

Gala 2023MORE INFO

Clarifying Autism coverage under Mental Health Parity is smart policy!

There are many things about the legislative process that are complex and mind boggling.  And then there are the legislators themselves who are all human, and they are here to make a difference!  Every day they walk these cold marble halls surrounded by lobbyists who follow them everywhere.  They agree and respectfully disagree & they make laws.

These laws matter and we want our lawmakers to remember a law that took 11 years in the making & 6 years to fully implement.  We need them to know the intent of Mental Health Parity! Specific policy exclusions of treatments that are known to be safe and effective and standard of care for autism based on peer reviewed literature undermines Mental Health Parity and is ultimately unlawful.

It's also not very smart!  It's 2010!  By now most in the medical community have heard of the cost benefits of early intensive intervention!  Pay now or pay A LOT MORE later couldn't be truer than for those on the autism spectrum!

  • Clarifying Autism coverage under Mental Health Parity creates a win win situation for Washington State.
  • Autism Insurance Parity creates significant efficiencies in DSHS expenditure on Autism.
  • Access to appropriate medical treatments leads to healthier happier families who remain intact.

This week our action alerts are individualized to specific district.  Please respond quickly to messages that are marked as "WAA Action Alert" & multiply your efforts by recruiting anyone who lives in Washington state that you can to get involved in this issue.  Ask your neighbors, co-workers, friends and family to get involved by signing up at www.WashingtonAutismAdvocacy.org. Their calls and emails are just as needed and could make a huge difference for your family.

Thank you for your consideration & stay tuned.

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