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Gala 2023MORE INFO

April Is Autism Acceptance Month

Washington State is home to 142864 children, adolescents and adults on the spectrum. Of them 8159 are birth-5,  28,525 are under 21, and 106,180 are adults 22 and older. April Is Autism Acceptance Month. Join WAA as we celebrate our loved ones, spotlight the skills, talent and potential of autistic individuals as well as recognizing (and troubleshooting) the challenges and barriers our community members face in realizing their full potential.

Children, adolescents, and adults on the spectrum face constant and sometimes overwhelming barriers to accessing healthcare, education, and community services. The very interventions that would support their connections to family, school and, community are denied or disrupted time and time again. We all need consistency and supportive environments to develop independence, learn and thrive. For individuals with autism spectrum disorders these basic needs cannot be overstated.  Access to trained specialists, insurance coverage for therapies, educational accommodations, and supports are both what is needed and federally guaranteed.  Families have enough additional complexity in their lives as they confront the uncertainty of this lifetime condition. Imagine what would be possible without this added burden of constantly fighting for the services and supports to which they are not only legally entitled but also urgently need.

Stand together with us for change.

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