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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Founder's message

Dear Washington Autism Alliance Community,

As we begin a new year, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible journey we’ve shared in advancing autism awareness, acceptance and access to vital services and resources for our loved ones. Together, we’ve woven a tapestry of compassion, better understanding, and empowerment.

Client visits hold a special place in my heart as they provide a tangible connection to the impact of our work. Witnessing children and families in their environments, seeing their daily triumphs and challenges, reinforces the significance of our mission. These visits serve as a reminder that behind every case file, there are real lives touched by our efforts. It fuels my commitment, adds depth to our work, and motivates me to continue striving for positive change. 

In 2024, let us strengthen our commitment to inclusivity, co-advocate with those who need communication support, case management and legal representation, and foster a world where autistic children and adults thrive in their own communities. With your unwavering support, we’ll continue to build bridges of acceptance and appropriate accommodations.

May this year be marked by progress, unity, and boundless possibilities for every member of the Washington Autism Alliance family.

Wishing you a year of profound growth and shared accomplishments.


Arzu Forough 

Founder, Washington Autism Alliance

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