Due to the high volume of calls, we're experiencing a higher-than-usual backlog.

We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, please refer to our Resource Directory, Special Education Legal Library, or Insurance Portal as needed on our website while you're waiting

Gala 2023MORE INFO

Medicaid & Autism,Training Dec. 7th 4-7pm, Kennewick, WA

Medicaid Administration has settled a lawsuit over coverage of Applied Behavior Analysis therapy, also known as ABA, for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.  ABA services are a new benefit for children 20 years of age and younger who have a variable range of difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions and repetitive behaviors. Plan to at tend this important workshop to see how this coverage applies to you as a provider or as a client receiving services.

Needs based scholarships are available to all WAAA members.  If you're interested in attending with a scholarship, please register for a free membership @ http://www.washingtonautismadvocacy.org/updates/wp-login.php?action=register

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