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Dear mom, new to your child’s autism diagnosis

Dear mom, new to your child’s autism diagnosis,

I know right now you’re feeling a whole mix of emotions.  You’re now part of a club that you never envisioned yourself being a part of.  What you’re feeling is natural and okay. Give yourself a second to catch your breath and then find a tribe for you and your child, figure out the resources available, and continue to nurture them.  They are still the same child they were before the diagnosis, only now they (and you) have access to many more services and supports to help them and your family navigate a world not designed for them.  Some services are better than others.   Every autistic child is unique, some requiring more support than others.  You know your child better than anyone.  Listen to the “experts”, listen to autistic adults, and then listen to your heart and figure out what would help your child where they are at right now and also make a list of things they might need in the future.

There are many support groups and autism organizations out there to help guide you on this journey.  Some are in person, some are on social media, and some meet virtually.  These groups have people that have been where you are at.  They understand what you’re going through and can extend some good advice while also being a great sounding board.  Do not do this alone.  Having a sense of community is so important.  Our children need to feel like they belong and see themselves in their peers.  

To help get you started on this journey, here’s a great article written by Ted Hutman, Ph.D. is Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in Santa Monica, CA.

Helping Your Child with Autism Thrive - HelpGuide.org

Just remember, at the end of the day, you are mom.  It’s one of the most important figures in your child’s life and the thing they need most from you right now is understanding, support, and love.  You’ve got this!


A mom of an amazing, autistic child

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