If your child or children are:
- insured through a large employer that is self-insured (i.e. coverage through private (for-profit or nonprofit) employer including cities or counties), and
- they have been denied medically necessary neurodevelopmental therapies (i.e. Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy) or behavioral therapy (i.e. Applied Behavior Analysis)
WAAA would like to hear from you at your earliest convenience, please call 425.894.7231 with the following information:
- your employer’s name
- the type of treatment that is prescribed, but denied or unreasonably capped
- name of the insurance company that manages your benefits
Please forward this note to any parent whose children may be in a similar situation.
Thank you for your consideration.
Mira Posner
Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy
16225 NE 87th St. Ste. A-9
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: 425-894-7231
Fax: 206-299-3661