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Gala 2023MORE INFO

SB 5506 - Enhanced Behavior Support Homes (EBSH), Public Hearing and Executive Session: Thurs. Feb. 2nd @ 8am

We are truly thankful to you all for taking the time and effort to help ensure the success of our Enhanced Behavior Support Bill (SB 5506). I am thrilled to share with you the update that our bill is scheduled for an executive session (vote) on February 2nd. We must ensure that the policy committee hears our perspectives, testimonies, and stories to make the right decision. As a next step, we must magnify our voices and broaden support for SB 5506. The number of individuals this bill is intended to serve may appear small compared to the entire IDD population, all of whom deserve stable housing.

The needs of our loved ones has been swept under the rug for far too long. Some may try to convince the legislature the model we are proposing already exists in State Operated Living Arrangements (SOLA), Group Training Homes or Supported Living. However, the EBSH model is something different and lacking. Enhanced Behavior Support Homes provide 24-hour non-medical care, staffed by behavior technicians, and overseen by behavior specialists and psychiatric providers. These homes support IDD persons with significant behavioral challenges to live safely in the community. Legislation creating this model in Washington will save taxpayer dollars and support our vulnerable IDD residents with safe and stable homes. 

There is safety in numbers. For everyone of us there are 10 friends, extended family, neighbors, coworkers and allies who may be willing to magnify our voices and add theirs to ours.

Help us get the word out and make our voices heard. We must ensure that the policy committee takes swift action on Feb. 2nd. and time is of essence. Please go online to the Senate Committee Sign In and have your PRO position noted in the legislative record.

Have 5 more minutes to spare, send an email to policy committee members and key staff who should be contacted, as well as a template suggestion, if you're looking for ideas on what to say. We must make sure that the bill is debated and voted on favorably next Thursday Feb 2nd.

Dear Senator_________________,

“Hello, my name is (____________). I’m your constituent and a (parent/grandparent/sibling/friend) of a person with autism. Creating Enhanced Behavior Support Homes (EBSH) in Washington State is very important to me and my family. Please watch this brief (4 minute) video by a similarly situated family member who speaks to the overwhelming need for this legislation. 

SB 5506 Senate Bill Report can be viewed here. Would you please consider supporting this effort by voting YES on Feb. 2nd and through the legislative process? I am eagerly looking forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Your name

Your address (this is how they verify that you are a constituent)

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