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Gala 2023MORE INFO

Setback is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently

Dear Washington Autism Advocates,

Thanks to your collective efforts we accomplished the following during this session:

  • Representative Cody has agreed to hold worksessions with key legislators on Autism insurance parity in the interim.
  • Senator Keiser has pledged to continue to seek ways to provide more coverage for families involved with autism.
  • Senator Oemig secured a budget proviso that directs Directs DSHS in collaboration with the Department of Health and the Health Care Authority (manages PEBB) to report to the legislature by November 2010 on the costs and savings associated with adding autism spectrum disorder as a mandated coverage benefit.
  • Senator Oemig has further put in measures in place for DSHS/DDD to track funding & services provided to children with ASD's birth-21 including evidence based treatments.
  • DSHS/DDD is holding focus groups through out Wasington state involving children, adolescents and adults with disabilities that have been in crisis while living in communities.  Of the children in crisis 90% are those with ASD's.  The focus groups will report back to the secretary of DSHS & the legislature by end of May.
  • last but not least we've had 3 Senators and 2 Representatives offer to champion Shayan's Law next session!

While above steps are key in making a stronger case for Washington to invest in appropriate healthcare for Washingtonians with ASD's, nothing comes close to  on going & ramped up public demand.

WAA will launch 49 online petitions for each of the 49 legislative districts in WA.  These petitions are intended to demonstrate the magnitude of public support to end autism insurance discrimination.  While our families grappling with day to day challenges of autism are unable to come en mass to  Olympia, we can use technology to keep our message alive throughout the year.

We need  District Captains who are willing to promote these petitions district wide.  Our goal is 1000 electronic signatures per district.  This is a very ambitious goal, but I believe we can reach it!

This is not an issue that will go away, we will need to grapple with it to achieve more equity and fairness within our entire health care system.    Thank you for your ongoing support and actions on this critical issue.

All my best,

Arzu Forough

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