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Shayan's Law Action Alert-Call for a vote!

Dear Washington Autism Advocate,

We need your help today to reach out to the chair of the committee to schedule for a vote (Executive Session) on Shayan's Law and to encourage committee members to vote YES in support of the autism insurance parity.  The measure needs to be voted out of committee by Monday, February 21, in order to advance this legislative session.

These Senators needs to realize that Washington families and schools dealing with the challenges of autism can’t afford to wait another day for treatment.  Remind them the state is ALREADY paying for autism, it's time for private insurance to share the cost of autism.


1.  CALL THE CHAIR OF THE COMMITTEE, Senator Karen Keiser today and ask her to schedule Shayan's Law for a vote in an executive session!  Share your personal stories and convey the following message:  Autism is a treatable, medical condition.  Insurance should cover treatment.  Be polite and tenacious.  Ask her to please schedule the bill for an executive session vote so that it can continue through the legislative process! Call her once a day until the votes are cast!

Senator Karen Keiser - (360) 786-7664

2. CALL THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO ASK FOR THEIR YES VOTE! Call all the members of the committee below and urge them to support Shayan's Law.  Call them once a day until the votes are cast! Advocacy Tip: Put these numbers in your cell phones and then set your alarms to remind you to call every day!

*Conway, Steve, Vice Chair          (360) 786-7656
*Pflug, Cheryl                               (360) 786-7608
Becker, Randi                                (360) 786-7602
Carrell, Mike                                  (360) 786-7654
*Kline, Adam                                 (360) 786-7688
**Murray, Ed                                  (360) 786-7628
Parlette, Linda Evans                    (360) 786-7622
Pridemore, Craig                           (360) 786-7696

* Denotes – the Senator is a bill co-sponsor – please thank them for co-sponsoring

** SB 5059 prime sponsor

3. FORWARD THIS ACTION ALERT to anyone you know who lives in Washington State that can help advocate for this important legislation.  We need to flood the phone lines.  Has anyone ever asked you what they could do to help your family?  Ask them to help make these calls!

To post questions, comments, inquiries visit:


Thank you for your consideration.

Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy Coalition

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