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WAA Story of Hope 2023 - The Moon Family

We had the privilege of supporting Leslie, Scott, and their son Trevor. Leslie initially reached out to WAA when Trevor was in middle school, as his educational program was failing to address his complex support needs. With the assistance and coaching of WAA, Leslie filed a citizen's complaint with the state, advocating on behalf of all the students within Trevor’s education program, which led to significant improvements in their local school district:

1) The district hired a dedicated behavioral specialist to collaborate with teachers.

2) A comprehensive review and overhaul of the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for most middle school students took place.

3) Mandated training sessions on IEP’s were conducted for all district principals. Additionally, Trevor was enrolled in the Children’s Intensive Behavior Supports Medicaid Waiver, a program championed by WAA and successfully passed into law by the Washington State Legislature.

Once again, through Leslie’s intense advocacy, supported by WAA’s coaching and partnership, Trevor became the first student in the state of Washington to receive special education services beyond the age of 22. As a 23-year-old, the structure and behavior support that his local school district is providing him the consistency and predictability of 5 days a week, full-time school, and the stability he needs to thrive in his educational program. Trevor needs long-term stable housing and the ongoing therapeutic services that he’s presently accessing through schools. WAA is supporting the Moon family through family navigation, consultations, and support in order for Trevor to access appropriate housing supports in the community. “Arzu and the WAA team’s shared advocacy strategies make those with state agencies take me more seriously, knowing that I am educated on Trevor’s rights and won’t back down.” ~Leslie Moon, Trevor’s mom

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