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Virtual Day Out Champions - Learn about Wyatt’s Way!

Our next Virtual Day Out Champion is “Wyatt’s Way” created by Jauna. Another one of our top fundraisers for the event, Jauna is not normally able to attend events such as the “3K your way” due to the challenges she and her family face, but the remote nature of this event allowed her to do so. She picked the name “Wyatt’s Way” for her group after her son, Wyatt. Wyatt, Jauna’s 17-year-old son, has ASD and was the main impetus for Jauna joining the “3K your way” challenge. Jauna states that “it was a great honor to represent [her] son.”

Jauna and her family completed their challenge by celebrating on social media and displaying family projects such as drawings. Jauna considers the event to be, in her words, a “big success.” She enjoyed having the opportunity to engage with her friends and family on the subject of ASD, and states that “it was really exciting to be able to talk with them about our experiences.”

Juana Day Out for Autism Champion
Juana Day Out for Autism Champion
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